Wednesday, November 09, 2011

IF- Stripes

"Page full of STRIPES!"
Occasionally illustration friday has a topic I can't pass up...well this was one of those....haha! I love stripes and boy did I have fun with everything on here! I know that it isn't exclusive to ALL stripes, but covers a large portion.

I'm thinking about doing more of these quick fun page of sketches in the future. Maybe attempt to do 100 children!!! On this page I have 10 girls, so maybe the next set of 10 will be boys?

As expected I've been super busy the past few weeks. Saturday I finished my last illustration for my senior show. Yesterday I set up my illustrations in the gallery and today I made my final touches to the overall setup. Tomorrow I will have professional portfolio reviews....the list goes on and on. I will be pretty busy for the rest of the semester (with Homework, final and client projects all piling up). Saturday is the official gallery opening, so after that I will post some pictures up? hopefully. ^_^ Cheers!


  1. eheh this is great who knew you could do so much with stripes :D

  2. Wow, really awesome sketching. All the characters are really great, though my favorite would have to be the opened-mouth girl in the lower right. Such a neat perspective.
