Saturday, March 24, 2012


Illustration Friday
2012 Digital

I discovered some new brushes that I had to try out! I fell in love with them instantly and found the illustration above flowing spontaneously out of my head.

You might also notice that I've been working on head structure. This week I've drawn 60 heads of different shapes, races, and expressions (all from my imagination) and hopefully by the end of today I will have 100! (might post some of them on here).


  1. I love this especially the colours. Would also love to see your 60 heads!

  2. Wonderful work and beautiful detail.. tells a great story!

  3. Beautiful work! Great colors and character! Well done.

  4. I'm thinking what lies behind just may be scarier than what lies ahead! You've definitely created a tense mood! Great storytelling!

  5. Thanks for all your wonderful comments!

    Jordan, I plan to at least post some of them. I completed my first 100 last week and am currently working on my second (side profile view). I'm not sure when I'll get them up.
