Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Beauty...and the BEAST? (comic)

"Beauty...and the BEAST"
Fairy Tale Nonsense 001
2012 Ink, Sharpie, and Digital.

Made this to point out how FREAKY original Fairy Tales really are...! (Of course the panda was my personal touch).

This comic is dedicated to my awesome wife.

It's been a few years since I've done a TRUE comic...and I've been meaning to start back up (Now that I've graduated and have a little extra time). I'm thinking about delving more into the ORIGINAL fairy tale worlds and poke fun at them...tell me what you think! And don't hesitate to give suggestions for future comics.

PBM update: The bulk of my energy is being poured into job searching...and the occasional whims I have time for (such as the comic above). I've already set plans up to finish the covers, pick or have you vote on the top 5 and then illustrate one ENTIRE book! It will be my first ebook! (for kindle, Ipad, and maybe .pdf) that I hope to sell on Amazon and Barnes and

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