Saturday, October 22, 2011

Final Semester- Germs 2 AGAIN!

Just so you know that I am alive, I am doing a post to show of the great things to come. I have been HARD at work touching up all my old work...and making new illustrations. If this illustration isn't enough of a hint of the great things to come, check out the updates for my website: This semester is getting pretty crazy, so I don't know if I will post for the next two or so weeks.

Also in the way of news, I did not win the short story contest, but got a prize anyway. Amelia ended up doing a illustration of what my story WOULD have looked like if it had been made into a manga/comic. Go check it out: my picture is the one titled "Click, Click".


  1. Can't help but look at the cat in the bottom right. That is one weird stretch, although I haven't known a cat to stretch 'normally' ever. I like it, though I have to admit that I was puzzled at the tongue and finger pointing until I zoomed in on the book. Perhaps a giant heart would suffice since it seems that it is the focus of the picture.

  2. I tried to check Amelia's site and it lagged out :(

  3. Oh, its a love LETTER, missed the discarded envelope. Sheesh, that boy wrote a BOOK.
