Saturday, July 23, 2011

Portrait Illustration

Portrait of a girl. (completed in about 4-5 hours.)

So that I wont ruin my mermaid illustration I decided to complete it next week. The illustration is turning out good, but I didn't want to rush it just so that I could have another illustration just done. The 3 birds-with-one-stone illustration is actually pretty far along as well, but it is also not done. So instead of giving you a blank blog post saying "OOPS. GUESS YOU WILL HAVE TO WAIT" I decided to give a special bonus I completed as a practice illustration. Hope you enjoy!

I am starting to learn that I have far greater strength in smaller illustrations that are less maybe I will spend more time on those and eventually work my way up to the more complex ones.


  1. One thing, she is squinting with no wrinkle, a little unnatural looking. The other is still my favorite.

  2. Either that or the other eye is a glass fake, and the normal one is on the left. Chopping the picture that way looks good too.
