Sunday, July 31, 2011

Mermaid City

I have to say I had so much fun working on this illustration
that I could do a whole children's book on the story! haha

Yes, you can believe your eyes...this IS the MERMAID illustration! haha. So is it worth the wait? I spent 13.5 hours painting today to get this it BETTER be worth it. (Haaaaaaand Craaaaaamp! X_x )

As a general announcement this will be the last full illustration for my summer program. Fear not loyal readers, I plan to complete at least 5 more pencil/sketch illustrations before the summer ends. Plus my last semester starts in a few weeks and by then I will have another heavy illustration program in place.

This illustration took about 3 weeks to complete. I am glad I took this long because it gave me the chance to do it right. At one point I hit a MAJOR was so bad that I couldn't even lift my hand to motivation! I overcame this issue by simply plunging in headfirst. No special formula to success. I have since discovered that I have the must fun during the planning/sketching/value-color comps stage and the FREE-PAINTING stage (which is just me, my brush and the canvas. The point in the painting where I do not need reference matieral, sketches, etc.) My problem occurred because I got stuck too long in the part in-between those two stages. (preparing what I call my "underpainting").

The key to this illustrations success is:
1.A solid SOLID sketch.
2.SEVERAL full-value exploring studies
3.A few different color studies.

I hardly used any reference for this illustration. Most the reference photos were used during the sketch stage. Hence the SOLID sketch I had!


  1. Looking good mike,I have some handouts on how to create your own children's book and then get it published that they gave us at grad school. I'll have to show it to you next time I see you.

  2. Mike ~ This looks great! I really love it bunches. I like the way you have the child almost floating in the water ~haha... great work!

  3. Thanks Jeff! I will look forward to it! And Tifani thanks. haha I had alot of fun working on this piece!

  4. Neighborhood Watch, best sign ever!

  5. Thanks Jeremy and Adriana. Adriana you are always allowed to express your opinion...though I'm wondering why wouldn't be ALLOWED... haha :)
