Wow! I am totally ecstatic about this weeks illustration I did for Illustration Friday! If you don't get what is going on in the picture just think, "Flight!" or "Flying!"haha! ^_^
This picture is first and foremost a painting. I did several prep sketches before hand, but never scanned a single thing! ^_^ WoW! Ironically my favorite element is how the lighting turned out, becuase I wanted to avoid extreme lighting situations!!! XP urg. In my sketches, and even up until painting I struggled with the angle, because I saw it in my mind, and wasn't sure how I could portray it to give the picture a sense of depth, yet simplicity. I feel that it has been conveyed to the best of my ability.
Process: Physical sketches, computer sketch 1, computer sketch 2, color plaster(with shadingtoo), clean up edges, turn off lines from computer sketch 2, blobbify, clean up, final touches.
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