So this has been a crazy week (including my 11 month old getting the flu today...) . I will show you later the work I did yesterday for the poster I am working on. Meanwhile you get to look at my completed GRIMMest GRIMM FAIRY tale rendition of King Thrushbeard! (for the contest over at ArtOrder -link-)What do you think?
This was my first full illustration using:
1. my abbreviated illustration method (see previous post regarding 3 hour illustration)
2. Limited Pallete of colors. (broad first, then limit early on...but as go along allow to evolve from those limited.
Other tidbits of info:
1. I can no longer run from my past. LINES! you will notice I internally left or even created black outlines. Wow! I love it. Essentially it works because I combined it with my painterly method and did not allow the lines to dominate.
2. Blur eyes constantly. As I was painting it was occaisonly hard to see the forest through the trees...so blurring my eyes helped focus and see where I needed improvements.
The rest of the story: KING THRUSHBEARD:
Ok we left off our main character, the princess who had been married by her father to a bard who had come to the palace to sing and beg....and after experiencing the hardships of reality by losing all her merchandise she decided to be a scourly maid...and coincidentally got work at the palace. As she was doing her duties there was a ball or party going on. It was in honor of a visiting King, King Thrushbeard. He noticed her beauty, though, in tatters and dirty. He asked her to dance, though she initially refused she eventually gave in since she didn't want to offend him. As they danced she suddenly realized, or he told her...that HE was her husband the bard. He wanted to teach her a lesson and had done all those things, including dressing up as a bumbling solider who shattered all their pottery. Well that is it. ^_^ haha
Great job! Fabulous colors!