
Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Today's Nonsense - January & February 2010

February comic:

Ok folks, I am back on schedule for my monthly comic! In order to conform to my busy school schedule I am simplifying some features of the comic (diverse layouts, elaborate shading and backgrounds), but leaving what matters most (the characters and the event!) Hope everyone enjoys!

January comic:
This comic was made as a desperate attempt to show UCM's newspaper staff that I was serious about doing the comic for them. I still have not heard back... Allwell, I am enjoying the freedom of exploring new realms! As a random fact, I am reading Harry Potter for the first time and learned since making this comic that Ron does NOT say, "Bloody Hell," even once...and yet in the movie he says it as every other phrase...blasted 'Hollywood'.


  1. Wow Mike, these are amazing, but April wants to go so this is all I can say.

  2. Actually, that's up to interpretation. As I recall, in one of the books (3, 4, or 5), she left it up to reader to guess what the swear was. One of those lines that makes it clear colorful language was used without using said colorful language.

    But yeah, even then I only remember seeing a few isolated instances of that in the books.

    While we're talking books, have either of you (Mike or Jeremy) read the Fablehaven books yet? =)

    Oh yeah, and I've still managed to avoid all things Twilight related... except for a raspberry-flavored chocolate bar named Edward. It wasn't that good. Figures, eh? =P

  3. Yes, JKRowling does leave it to the readers imagination when Ron is in an ill-tempered mood. :P haha! Since it was the movies I complained about I guess it would be strange to have a narrator say, "At this moment Ron was so angry that he swore..." haha! :P

    Fabelhaven? No I havn't read any of them, but my wife has and loves them all. She is eagerly awaiting the 5th(?) book. Real good series I've been told.
    BTW it is good to see you visit my blog Talduras! ;)
