
Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Illustration Friday-Entangled

This picture was done with ink, watercolors and a tiny bit of Gouache. There was very little modifications in Photoshop after scanning that I had to do. Hope that you enjoy.

Process: Idea, rough sketches, Final sketch 1, 2, ink the lines, ink the blackness, watercolor: establish darks/lights, lighter undercolor, lightest under-color, paint colors, paint shadows, paint highlights with Gouache, paint outlines with ink. The end.


  1. Wow! Excellent Mike! Love the contrast. Great piece of artwork!

  2. So April was looking on facebook at all the stuff you have on there, and I noticed a great deal of that is not on your blog, whats up with that?

  3. Stuff on Facebook? What do you mean? Everything that I post on here automatically goes to facebook. Look under my 'labels' column on my blog...I think you will find all you need...or want. ^_^
