
Thursday, October 08, 2009

Illustration Friday-Germs

"Doesn't EVERYONE know, boys are where all germs come from?"

Truthfully I think girls are more likely to send love notes than boys, but I liked the idea of seeing how girls might react! ^_^ haha

Wow, is all I have to say. This piece took entirely much longer than I expected, but turned out better than anticipated. Honestly I was more concerned with the Linework than lighting or coloring, but I am pleased with the outcome. (Though to my frustration, and my wife's, I was up till 4 in the morning completing it...sigh.)

This was inked, scanned, cleaned up and added color and lighting in Photoshop. As expected I used different tactics than I have for any Illustration Friday piece, for this picture namely, Airbrush, and layers, masking and so forth for the shading and lighting.


  1. It's a great job, I really like. Congratulations.
    I understand you, when you start and it ask you for more hours ... if in the end you do something like this, worthwhile!

  2. Very nice composition. I think staying up late was totally worth it. :)

  3. awesome piece! totally worth your lack of sleep!

  4. Haha! Thanks. Tell that to my wife! :P She was practically late to work cause I turned the alarm off. ^_^

  5. This is so beautifully drawn. Very charming!

  6. Thanks for all your comments! ^_^ I appreciate ALL comments...and complaints! haha! :P
