
Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Illustration Friday-Pattern

I wasn't even going to do an illustration this week for "Illustration Friday" (as I am working on a commission for but I had a sudden bout of energy... haha! All much for Biology Homework! sigh...

For this illustration I used ink and watercolors! I am learning (as I had forgotten) That LESS watercolors is best! I was tending to plaster it on and consequently it wasn't behaving like I wanted it too. :P haha


  1. Nice rendering of that plaid pattern on the drapey fabric! Not easy to do, especially with watercolor...Love the expression on the cat.

  2. This is fantastic! The style and the color are beautiful. I agree with the previous comment about rendering the fabric pattern - I think that's another case where less can be much, much more.

  3. Thanks! I appreciate your comments! And I like that comment about "Less can be much, much more!" That was very profound and basically what I was trying to express! haha!
