
Saturday, July 04, 2009

崖の上のポニョ, Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea

For the first time, I watched Hayao Miyazaki's newest masterpiece, "Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea." (My brother ordered it for us on Japan's Amazon. What's funny is that it barely came out this week on DVD in Japan! YEA for two day shipping!) I have actively been an avid Hayao Miyazaki fan for about 10 years and this movie was no disappointment to his brilliance.

I was impressed on many fronts, but Ponyo really reminded me of why I love traditional animation and also entertainment which caters to children (Whether it be stories, books, tv-shows, and movies). Pure, beautiful and absolutely inspiring.

The movie emulated Miyazaki's amazing ability to weave a story while stunning us with top-notch animation. What was unique to this film was that all the backgrounds were done in watercolor, and that there were absolutely no computer graphics (3-d) assistance. (as far as I heard and could see)

I was absolutely surprised at how the plot unfolded, and what new characters were involved, because I take extra effort and care to avoid trailers and movie reviews of all miyazaki movies before I see them (and let me tell you that is HARD esp for the 5 or so years I have been waiting for Ponyo to come out!)

In short, watch it. In August it will be released to America in Theatres, so be looking!

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