Sunday, July 21, 2013


"Illustration Friday - ROBOT"
2013. Graphite and Digital.

Well you might have wondered why I haven't posted for awhile. Just as I was about to give 100% to the class I signed up for I got offered a large freelance job with a short turn-a-round time.   At this point I am in the eye of the storm; in the next few days I will receive my sketches back from the publisher and I will plunge back into chaos!

I can't say much about the project, since I am bound by contract, but the book has pushed me beyond my limits and into new horizons!  I am grateful for the opportunity afforded me.

Since I CAN'T show you anything regarding the project, and I DON'T want to show my half-baked experiments I thought I would throw something nice together.  I wish I could've spent MORE time on it (things still need tightened up), but I have other priorities…FE: getting ready to finish 11 illustrations in 3 weeks or less! So I hope you like my contribution to Illustration Friday's topic, "ROBOT."