Tuesday, August 28, 2012

IF- Tall

"Little Jack" 2012
4.25x 6.25 Watercolor, Graphite and Digital.

I can't begin to tell you how happy I am right now!  From concept to finish this illustration took about 5 hours, but that's not entirely why I am excited.  Basically instead of spending hours finalizing my sketch and having to painstakingly transfer it to watercolor paper, I CUT the middle-man out!

Normally I render a detailed/solid drawing, and then transfer it to watercolor paper. I HATE doing it that way because I feel like a machine cranking out a duplicate that usually stinks in comparison to the original.

For this illustration,  I printed my rough sketch off (pictured left) and with a light table began my final sketch ON the watercolor paper.  I started with a blue colored pencil, then finished the drawing with a .9 graphite mechanical pencil.  After that the whole composition came together using a combination of Watercolor, colored pencils, and digital techniques.

1 comment:

  1. I have the same feeling - sketching, re-sketching and then doing a final sketch on paper makes it all so stiff and a bit... unnatural? It's not free, not at all. But sometimes, some works need to be thought through. I guess we just need to find our way somewhere in the middle :)

    I like the perspective you've used here. And the colours. It all plays together so well!
