Saturday, January 07, 2012

IF- Grounded

My take on the topic for illustration friday. Completed it in about 5 hours (from start to finish.)
I have alot of projects going on right now and even more coming up in the next few months, but expect at least one illustration a week like this one.


  1. Nice image. Looking forward to seeing more in the future.

  2. I like the texture you got going on, its looking a lot more traditional as far as brush strokes go.

  3. great character and beautiful colors! Well done!

  4. right now i should be studying for my statistics final,but no, i needed to to do my IF illustration first. I got a good laugh when i opened your link- and i see my self doing just that. Great image, lk

  5. Lovely character and great expression. Nicely done!

  6. Thank you all for your comments! And to Laura...haha! This is rather an autobiography of my classes that didn't deal with art.
